Article 1: Guardian

This company is looking to combine classic print news principles in terms of only updating news three times per day, instead of the never-ending stream of news commonly found on the internet in places like or . This idea would've worked better in my opinion in the past when internet news was beginning to emerge, when the people were more accustomed to news being incrementally updated. However, in today's world, I believe that the news should remain constantly updated is it is what we are used to. If news does not change, then it does not have to immediately update. But if a story changes and it is critical information such as the coronavirus, then it is best for the people to know the information as soon as possible so they can take proper action to protect themselves and their families overall. I think this system of news is perfect for those that are looking for a news experience that is more traditional, and for those people that are looking to read news that has developed stories. The stories would be more developed because the news would be updated incrementally, as updating the news 24/7 would leave holes in the information that would be filled at an unknown time as the facts come in, which might cause fear of the unknown in the people at the result of seeing these holes.

Article 2:Touching the Future

This Article is about the beginnings of digital news, where the words typically on a newspaper began to be shown on a screen. His vision was pretty much of an iPad type device, where the words are very easily accessible and they are there for the whole world to easily see.  This idea was almost unheard of at the time, as smartphones and laptops did not exist yet. His dream has come to life today, with many newspapers actually solely being on the internet or on electronic devices in order to properly save money. Roger Fidler was actually about 5 years early in his endeavor to have an electronic newspaper on a tablet in 2005, as the iPad was released in 2010. He said that being too early has been the story of his life. His ideas were eventually introduced to some of the most prominent newspapers in the entire country, all the way up to the New York Times. They shared his idea that news would be more accessible through electronics and through a tablet format. It is way easier to find an internet connection that to find the exact newspaper stands. The internet allows almost any information to be transferred almost anywhere in the world, and that is why Fidler's idea was so revolutionary. 


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